Thursday, February 10, 2011


Recently I dropped in on a Yoga Class for 'beginners' of all sorts, but mostly mostly women(I was the second male in the class but did not participate,preferring to observe,but which made me actuely aware of things). The 'instructress',younger than myself(I am 74 as of this writing)but not, as is said,'a tender spring chicken' 'SELF-PERFORMED' her routine and the 'beginners' imitated as best they could what she did and listened to her suggestive,hypnotic voice in the partially darkened room as she covered a number of areas, none of which were defined or fully explained but merely tossed out,here and there. She rang some cymbals adn later struck a Tibetan Singing Bowl at the class conclusion. She also interjected a few words on 'CHINESE MEDICINE' and gave a sort of 'QIGONG" methodwhich made me realize that her mention of this had no real bearing on 'yoga' which she was demonstrating but a pretense to knowledge she might not possibly have,but had only read about. The 'yoga poses' and routine I do not fault,but only criticize the way she presented them and how she ignored the students for the most part except for when she got up off her spread,plastic mat and went around to a few,but not all,to 'adjust' which was very limited,which told me she was not aware of concerned with anyone actually to the extent of really teaching them.


  1. Of course, group sessions under the conditions done at the place seldom allow, except for a long series of session over weeks and years for true individual attention which really needs a STRICT STUDENT/TEACHER RELATIONSHIP seldom found

  2. I felt in the atmosphere of the room a lot of 'NEGATIVITY'which would not motivate me to be a participant in those 'yoga proceedings' and, though I might have brought such with me, I did attemtp to allow her communications to speak for themselves,but after the class,another first time lady,who had tried yoga years ago,apparently disliking yoga as a result, wanted to see if she could undertake and withstand another attempt,found that the woman, she told me, was apparently only interested in getting her fees and was rather 'aloof'. This lady who voiced her opinion of the class also had some injuries and did a few moves and stretches that were outside the parameters of the instructress, who did not 'adjust' her, if I recall. Consequently, this lady did not feel drawn to continue or sing up for the class,which was held at the nearby resort I visited that day.

  3. I did not stay for the 'power','dynamic' yoga but perhaps that had greater appeal as a different instructor, or maybe two,were slated to lead that class. It also was to include pilates of some sort.

  4. My companion to the yoga session I have described had never done any yoga in a class session and was a beginner and as I watched her struggles to do the poses presented for 'beginners' and the complete indifference to the instructress who did not introduce herself or discuss anything to attract or appeal to those present, I concluded that she was only doing what interested her and since she later did not show up for classes on 'snow' days which irritated those who had signed up, I could not recommend her class and was glad that I spoke to the one in charge of the 'fitness' center about her and what they were trying to do there to promote programs for participants and guests,etc.
