Monday, March 21, 2011


The INTEGRAL YOGA of SRI AUROBINDO(1872-1950) is a system of TRANSFORMATION of LIFE & THE WORLD, rather than the usual 'liberation' or negation of them,as usually understood or misunderstood by Westerners who tend favor what they consider a 'more postiive philosphy'. Sri Aurobindo's studies, practices, and efforts, based essentially upon THE BHAGAVAD-GITA, a profound work, admired and read, not only in India but in the West,are significant for many who aspire to higher spriitual realization(s) in the field(s0 of 'SPIRITUAL' EVOLUTION in which MAN IS & CAN BE, THE INSTRUMENT OF DIVINE understood by most who embrace yoga and Hinduism and other paths along the same lines of endeavor...but for whom these other paths have not proven sufficiently satisfying for some reasons.... INTEGRAL YOGA, as conceived and developed by SRI AUROBINDO, who was an intense ACTIVIST who strived for India's Independence and National Independence, which only now is on its way to becoming a 'super-power',( no longer a poor, backward 3rd world problem,) combined the three schools of YOGA: WORK, KNOWLEDGE & LOVE, which were usually embraced separately by specific types of persons: physical-mental-emotional. CONSEQUENTLY, the 'spiritual' development of CONSCIOUSNESS receives and emphasis rather than the 'material' development of it, example: the brain...whihc is the focus of much research these days to enhance or develop 'consciousness' or 'super-consciousness'..

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