Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Having seen and perused the book on the life and teachings of SRI KRISHNAMACHARYA, I finally bought the book by A.G. Mohan and his son, Ganesh Mohan and read it from cover to cover...I was impressed by the photos in the book of 'THE FATHER OF MODERN YOGA'doing yoga in his eighties and the account of his life and teachings...He lived to be 100 years and in his 'WARRIOR VINYASA' I could see,among other things, some I had seen in other yoga sequences and asana, that martial artists of all persuasions could benefit from a study of this.....I was drawn to the simplicity of things, the basics stressed, and the gradual progress indicated, especially in terms of pranayama and breathing, that one has to undertake while using movement(s)... Quite often far too complicated things are entered upon without knowing where one is going to end up....and this has been the case with a great deal of yoga teaching, at least in more modern times, where many things are 'blended' and 'mixed' and served up as 'great cocktails' to be imbibed...... Those who consideer themselves well-grounded in some system of yoga or of several systems, if such can really be done, would do well to read this book and re-read it since it has much to consider and understand, once one has settled down and dismissed one's own peculiar notions about practice and yoga,etc.

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